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Vessel Verses 2020-21

Vessel Verses


Canoe Gathering 1 (triptych) | Oil, acrylic, aerosol, charcoal on canvas | 56 x 102 in.

Canoe Gathering 1 (detail) | Oil, acrylic, aerosol, charcoal on canvas | 56 x 102 in.

Canoe Gathering 1 (detail) | Oil, acrylic, aerosol, charcoal on canvas | 56 x 102 in.

Vessel 1 | oil, acrylic, aerosol on canvas | 54 x 72 in. (SOLD)

Pontoon Party | oil, aerosol, acrylic on canvas | 48 x 36 in.

The Backyard Sea | oil, aerosol on canvas | 12 x 12 in. (SOLD)

The Backyard Sea 2 | oil, aerosol, on canvas | 36 x 36 in.

Vessels | oil, aerosol, charcoal on canvas | 54 x 36 in.

Vessels | oil, aerosol, charcoal on canvas | 54 x 36 in.

Mr. Blue | oil, aerosol, paint marker on panel | 24 x 18 in. (SOLD)

Mr. Blue | oil, aerosol, paint marker on panel | 24 x 18 in. (SOLD)

Water’s Skin | oil, aerosol, acrylic on canvas | 52 x 68 in.

Pontoon Party | charcoal on paper | 48 x 36 in. (SOLD)

Canoe Gathering 2 | oil, aerosol on canvas | 36 x 36 in. (SOLD)

Un-Connecting Dots | oil, aerosol, acrylic on canvas | 24 x 34 in. (SOLD)

Vessels (detail) | oil, aerosol, charcoal on canvas | 54 x 36 in.

Vessels (detail) | oil, aerosol, charcoal on canvas | 54 x 36 in.

Vessels (detail) | oil, aerosol, charcoal on canvas | 54 x 36 in.

Vessels (detail) | oil, aerosol, charcoal on canvas | 54 x 36 in.

Untitled (study for painting) | charcoal on paper | 54 x 70 in.

Vessel vs Air 1 | collaboration with Liz Morrison | oil, aerosol on panel | 10 x 10 in. (SOLD)

Vessel vs Air 2 | collaboration with Liz Morrison | oil, aerosol, gouache, watercolor, pen on panel | 10 x 10 in. (SOLD)

Vessel vs Air 3 | collaboration with Liz Morrison | oil, aerosol, pen on panel | 10 x 10 in. (SOLD)

Vessel vs Air 4 | collaboration with Liz Morrison | oil, aerosol, gouache, watercolor on panel | 10 x 10 in. (SOLD)

Vessel vs Air 5 | collaboration with Liz Morrison | oil, aerosol on panel | 10 x 10 in. (SOLD)

Vessel vs Air 6 | collaboration with Liz Morrison | oil, aerosol, gouache, watercolor, pen on panel | 10 x 10 in. (SOLD)

Vessel vs Air 7 | collaboration with Liz Morrison | oil, aerosol, on panel | 10 x 10 in. (SOLD)

Vessel vs Air 8 | collaboration with Liz Morrison | oil, aerosol, gouache on panel | 10 x 10 in.

Vessel vs Air 9 | collaboration with Liz Morrison | oil, aerosol, watercolor on panel | 10 x 10 in.

Vessel vs Air 10 | collaboration with Liz Morrison | oil, aerosol, on panel | 10 x 10 in. (SOLD)

Vessel vs Air 11 | collaboration with Liz Morrison | oil, aerosol, on panel | 10 x 10 in. (SOLD)

Vessel vs Air 12 | collaboration with Liz Morrison | acrylic, gouache, watercolor, aerosol, pen on panel | 10 x 10 in.

Vessel vs Air 13 | collaboration with Liz Morrison | acrylic, gouache, aerosol, on panel | 10 x 10 in. (SOLD)

Vessel vs Air 17 | oil, aerosol, on panel | 10 x 10 in.  (SOLD)

Vessel vs Air 17 | oil, aerosol, on panel | 10 x 10 in. (SOLD)

Vessel vs Air 14 | collaboration with Liz Morrison | acrylic, gouache, aerosol, on panel | 10 x 10 in. (SOLD)

Vessel vs Air 15 | collaboration with Liz Morrison | oil, aerosol, pen on panel | 10 x 10 in.

Vessel vs Air 16 | collaboration with Liz Morrison | acrylic, watercolor, aerosol, pen on panel | 10 x 10 in. (SOLD)